How Do You Read Ghost Radar Classic


I seem to accept started a fad several months ago when I downloaded the Ghost Radar app on my BlackBerry and began tweeting about it. A lot of my friends began playing with it too, and later on, a lot of questions about its employ have come to me. In that location are several versions of the app, including free versions and paid versions, all for Droid, BlackBerry and iPhone. I'g not certain if the app is bachelor on other smartphones merely you may certainly find out by looking through your own apps. I have used the free version for BlackBerry, the paid version for BlackBerry, and the paid version for iPhone. Of those, I have judged the paid version for iPhone to be the best. I would bypass all gratuitous versions of this app, all the same, considering it's rather limited, it doesn't keep records of your sessions, and there is very little command over how the sessions are operated. Pay the $0.99 on iPhone or $2.99 on BlackBerry. It'south worth the price and does nothing to harm your phone.

I take been using the app for several months and in full general I find it to be very satisfactory. It does, however, take some exercise in learning to use information technology properly.

Here is the description of Ghost Radar from the product website:

Ghost Radar is a portable awarding designed to find paranormal activity. Currently supported portable devices include the iPhone, iPod bear upon, iPad, BlackBerry and Android devices. Ghost Radar attempts to detect paranormal activity by using various sensors on the device on which information technology is running. Similar traditional paranormal detecting equipment Ghost Radar employs sensors that measure electromagnetic fields, vibrations, and sounds. However, traditional paranormal equipment can be hands fooled when simple mundane bursts of normal electromagnetic fields, vibrations and sounds occur. Ghost Radar sets itself autonomously by analyzing the readings from sensors giving indications only when interesting patterns in the readings have been fabricated.

Ghost Radar employs a proprietary algorithm to clarify the breakthrough flux. This awarding does NOT find EMF nor gravity. Readings for various sensors are analyzed to detect QUANTUM Fluctuations. Interpretations of the sensor readings are displayed graphically equally blips on the radar forth with numeric and textual readouts on the Phonation. Use your Ghost Radar to hunt for odd changes in the flux. Hunters of all types may find anomalous areas of their environment where readings simply can't be explained. You be the judge. Are the results of your hunting evidence of paranormal activity?

The theory of what is happening is that intelligent energy can be made aware of their power to influence the sensors of the mobile device. The diverse readouts are an interpretation of certain readings from the sensors. An intelligent energy should be able to influence the readouts and communicate with you. What those readings mean and how you interpret them is up for debate.

I began using this app every bit a joke. My friend downloaded information technology, so I idea it would be funny. The more I used it and the more my friends used it, the more than we realized this might not be so much of a joke after all. Many of us began receiving words and activity in direct response to questions done in the style of archetype EVP sessions. I of the start instances that alerted me to the possibility that something genuine might be happening was when my friend received the word "potatoes" while she was driving. She brushed it off as nix until she reached her destination a few minutes later on and plant her grandmother peeling potatoes in the kitchen. Several other like instances followed from other friends of mine.

In my case, I decided I should try to ask questions of my regular entities that would be harder to chalk upwardly to coincidence. I asked if Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain was present and the readings started jumping around and going crazy. I then asked what my brother was doing (we live in dissimilar states) and words describing him being in an function and rolling in a chair started appearing on the screen, as did the word Tom, which was what my brother's proper noun was when Lawrence knew him. I asked my brother what he was doing at that fourth dimension and all of the words on my radar log matched with his activities. If I didn't know what my brother was doing, then an inanimate object similar a cell phone could non be influenced by any prior noesis either. Other key words that I have told Lawrence to use with mediums also came up on the screen during that session, which lasted about twenty minutes. The words are specifically uncommon and unique to u.s. in order to prevent fake leads through coincidence.

Then all activity ceased for several hours. That in itself is telling for me in that if the app was entirely fake, the activity would not represent with questioning or other forms of activity like noises, shadows, and so forth. I have left the app running for entire 24 60 minutes periods to encounter how it does and it will exist completely dead (excuse the term) for hours and hours at a time. Just when I brainstorm seeking an entity, the activity picks up again in most cases.

Not long subsequently I began using the app, my friend and I went to the Kennesaw Battlefield to see what kind of results we would go amongst hundreds of Civil War soldiers. Virtually of the words received that day were military in nature. In that location were also a lot of words we didn't understand having to do with a farm, but much later on nosotros realized in that location was a farm heavily involved in the battle. My friend also kept the radar abroad from me so that I could come across if my senses as a medium corresponded with the blips of concentrated energy on the radar screen. Much to our surprise, things matched up in every instance.

Nosotros also acquired the spirit of Dan McCook from Ohio, who named himself on the screen. Equally nosotros were walking forth, many words came but we didn't make sense of them until we came to a plaque discussing the work of McCook in Kennesaw. It all made sense then. He followed us to dinner that night and lingered around for a few days earlier leaving, although he seems to visit my friend at times. He described his family unit as a tribe and offered names of specific family members, which I knew nil about until I researched his life after. Nearly every word received during the encounter with McCook was matched after with data gathered in research. The likelihood of coincidence became less and less with every matched discussion.

As well during our exploration of Kennesaw, I drove my wheelchair also fast and got stuck on large rocks. My friend came to my rescue and words like "careful" appeared on the screen as if the spirits at that place were concerned about my accident.

The entity who utilizes the Ghost Radar the most in my example is John Wilkes Booth, as I have discussed in some other web log. I got several names, including John, and at kickoff the names made no sense to me until a couple of days later when I started doing some reading about him for the project I'm writing for him. I plant out that the names being listed on the radar were all of John Wilkes Booth'southward siblings. I of the results during that session was actually the phrase "locate Asia" and fifty-fifty though I'k non sure what he meant by that only asking for proper noun and getting Asia was across coincidental in my opinion. Asia was his sister and they were very close.

I also noticed that every time my friend came over for a visit, within five minutes of her coming into my firm, it would say words like "plainly" and diverse other words that described a person's opinion of her looks and her personality. We both kind of laugh about this because information technology happens every fourth dimension she's here. She has rather short hair like a pixie cut and she never wears dresses and she would be considered rather plain past Victorian standards, so we both take this hunch that it'south John Wilkes Booth expressing his opinions about her since he was so used to beautiful, feminine, compliant and swooning women in his lifetime. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain nor my other entities would be so audacious as to limited opinions of that nature about someone I love then much similar my friend. That kind of audacity has to come from someone with an adventurous personality. John Wilkes Booth. These are not only assumptions though considering there are times when the word John comes up on the screen when I'thousand looking for identification.

How does the Ghost Radar work? I don't really know. I don't really know how other paranormal equipment works either. I do, nonetheless, have a few tips for people.

1. Pay attention to the concentrated free energy blips on the radar screen. They bespeak where in that location might possibly be an entity present. From the product website: "On the Radar view the colors of the blips are an indication of signal strength. Ruddy indicates the signal is strongest. Yellowish is a little weaker signal than red. Greenish is a footling weaker bespeak than xanthous. Finally blueish indicates a very weak signal."

2. Don't pay attention to the words in the first ten minutes of turning on the app. If yous find, every time yous turn it on, it seems similar all the measurements are going crazy and a lot of words are coming out also. It'southward not because y'all have a spirit jumping up and down trying to talk to yous. It's because all the energy disruptions in that environment are registering at the aforementioned time because it'south not acclimated to reading your environment all the same. Requite it time to fifty-fifty out before you lot start looking at it every bit possible evidence.

3. If the words don't make sense right abroad, they might later. For case, I kept getting the word "burn" when I was at habitation and I never understood information technology. Afterwards, I went to an antique store and institute rather long photographs of burn harm. My surface area of Atlanta had burned downwardly in a bully fire of 1917 that destroyed 300 acres and displaced thousands of people. I was not enlightened of this fire and had I not found those photographs, the repeated word of burn would never have made sense to me. Typically when words don't make sense, it is due to i of three reasons: a) the words come from spirits you don't know and it'southward like trying to understand a conversation walking halfway into information technology, b) the words are random with no meaning and are the result of interpretations of natural fluctuations of free energy, or c) spirits having difficulty manipulating the energy to pull the correct give-and-take from the dictionary.

That is the biggest issue people have – what to exercise with words that don't make sense. I have found that it is a matter of patience and a process of elimination. Information technology'due south of import to get to know the history of your locality and acquire about the people who lived in your vicinity earlier you. I become a lot of words from spirits I don't know at all because they are simply local to my area. If the words don't match up with anything known to my area or my regular spirits, I typically effort to find out if it's a spirit passing through my area. Being a medium, I get a lot of unseen passersby. It takes a lot of patience and repetitive questioning to discover the patterns and how to identify this or that spirit. Information technology is also very important to remember that this is not an exact scientific discipline. This is not a device designed for measuring spirit energy. This is a prison cell phone using its existing construction to measure possible spirit free energy. Therefore, there are going to be nonsensical words and misinterpreted readings of natural energy fluctuations. My advice is to really get to know the history of your locality in club to meliorate understand the words yous are receiving.


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