How to Ask for Review on My Website

Facebook continues to be an effective social platform for small and local businesses to leverage. If you don't accept one already, you should set up upward a Facebook Business Page and amass a following on the popular social network.

No thing the industry you lot're in, be it operating as an HVAC contractor or even a plumber , at that place are a lot of digital marketing opportunities you tin can tap into on Facebook, one of which includes receiving and displaying client reviews.

Customers online seek to validate the quality of your service earlier engaging with you. A platform that receives 1.62 billion users daily should be considered for this purpose. Not to mention, most customers would prefer getting a recommendation or referral for a business organization from their friends or family unit before resorting to a Google search.

Wouldn't you lot want to best position yourself for that opportunity?

You can, by asking for reviews from customers on Facebook. Here'south why you lot should get started.

Benefits of Facebook Reviews For Business concern

Growing a large amount of Facebook reviews can do good your business in a multitude of means. Right later Google My Business organization, Facebook is considered the second well-nigh important review site out at that place. And for good reason!

Here'due south what you stand up to gain by getting more Facebook reviews:

benefits of facebook reviews
Source: Finances Online

1. Proceeds trust with customers, both old and new

Customers turn to social media as sources of information, and Facebook continues to be considered one of the most reliable platforms out there. Other customer testimonials human action as a form of social proof for your customers to verify your business organisation credibility.

Facebook, in essence, acts equally a networking site that connects a customer's circles composed of both friends and family. If a friend hires a local electrician , for example, and has a great experience which he appreciates through a review, all the individuals in his circles will come across the review.

On tiptop of that, many of these people may live or come from the same city – instantly opening upwardly a new market place of potential customers for that electrician and boosting his business concern visibility.

2. Build a positive online reputation

Facebook, among other social networks, fosters a greater sense of community because of the level of networks it establishes for your customer. In plough, this is an opportunity for you to build your business and reputation management efforts by interacting directly with these customers.

84% of people trust online reviews as much as they trust recommendations received from friends. Now, imagine a platform that offers the benefits of both! It's a goldmine of opportunity for you to boost your business epitome while simultaneously alluring new customers and keeping your loyal customers content.

3. Bad reviews aren't all bad

All businesses consider the threat of a bad review. It'south a completely justified fear to have! A scathing review and rating tin can tank your business organization if not handled carefully. Giving your customers a platform to vocalism their dissatisfaction will undoubtedly carry the hazard of that happening.

But consider this: isn't a business with nil bad reviews even more suspicious? In your customer'due south optics, yep, it definitely is.

A bad review can drive conversions up by 85%. Customers suspect businesses that have an overwhelmingly large amount of star ratings and positive reviews to be using simulated or paid means to boost their business.

After all, businesses are congenital by humans, and humans make mistakes. Customers would be more willing to come across how y'all handled a bad review and resolved the event. Hither, you can employ the opportunity to turn around a negative review by showcasing your rockstar customer service skills.

Enable Reviews on Your Facebook Business Page

Now that you're enlightened of the perks of Facebook reviews, information technology's time to seize your opportunity to go them!

All it takes is to follow these simple instructions to enable the Reviews tab on your Facebook Business concern Page:

1. Log into your business page through the chief administrator account and navigate to the abode page.

2. Click the "Settings" button at the top right-hand corner of your folio.

three. Click on the "Edit Page" option on the left-paw side carte du jour that appears.

facebook settings for reviews

4. Scroll down to the "Reviews" tab.

5. Actuate reviews for your Facebook business page by irresolute the slider from 'OFF' to 'ON'.

enabling facebook reviews

Congratulations! You've now enabled reviews for your Facebook Business Folio.

Turn On Reviews On Your Facebook Page

Y'all've enabled reviews for your Facebook Business Page. You tin already hear that Facebook notification alert ringing in your head as the customer reviews come pouring in. Only hold your horses!

There'southward one more thing you have to do before your customers tin access that feature on your Business Page. You accept to make sure your customers can hands find that Review tab, and the best way to practice this is past customizing your page and making that tab stand out.

It'southward a simple process.

ane. Like earlier, click "Settings".

2. Click the "Edit Page" option.

3. Right later on Templates, y'all'll encounter a sub-section chosen "Tabs". Plow the slider to 'ON' for the option to utilize default tabs.

Facebook review tabs

At present, all you have to exercise is prioritize the tabs on your page. Depending on how many reviews you already have or your social media marketing strategy, you may desire to push upwards the Reviews tab slightly to make it a focus area for your customers.

Just drag the tab to where y'all want it to be and confirm the new settings. It's every bit easy as that!

Tips To Go More Facebook Reviews

Your Facebook Concern Page is up and running. The Reviews tab is optimized on your page, and yous're open for business. But…what now?

Setting up your Facebook Business Page Reviews tab isn't the end of it! In guild to get the reviews, you have to put in a little more marketing attempt. And at that place's only one real way to go about information technology: asking reviews past asking for them.

If this tip sounds rather obvious, information technology'due south because it is! The only way you'll get reviews is by asking happy customers to write them.

Of course, in that location are several different methods you can employ to exercise this. Listed below are a variety of methods you could consider to ask your customers for Facebook reviews:

  • Embed Facebook Reviews into your website and other relevant platforms : You can hands provide the options for your customers on dissimilar platforms to write a Facebook review, if they and then desire. This is a keen fashion to redirect site visitors or an audience y'all've gained elsewhere to Facebook.
  • Send Facebook Review requests through a direct link : Remember that handy Review settings folio you accessed earlier? If y'all oasis't noticed, there's a unique Facebook review link generated that yous can share with your customers. You can provide a direct CTA to your customers by sharing this link and making information technology super easy for them to follow through.
  • Reach out to your loyal customers: If you lot take a circle of trusted and long-fourth dimension customers that requite you regular concern, information technology won't hurt to reach out to them and ask them to provide y'all with a Facebook review. You'd be surprised how willing your loyal customers would exist to assist your business organisation out!
  • Ask your customers to bank check-in on Facebook: Facebook has an congenital-in mechanism to ship requests to their users, asking to review a identify they've checked into. Combine the perks of having a Google Maps business listing with this platform by encouraging your customers to check-in. Facebook will do the rest!
  • Automate the follow-up process : Post-obit on from the previous tip, y'all can integrate both platforms . This tin can assistance to ship out automatic requests for both Google reviews, and Facebook reviews the moment the system recognizes the payment is complete .


Whether you're just getting started on Facebook or already have an established business organisation page, the benefits of Facebook reviews are undeniable. Like Yelp and TripAdvisor, information technology's an incredibly powerful review platform to venture into new markets, capture potential customers, and increase the give-and-take-of-oral cavity for your business.

With each review yous gain on Facebook, you add together another block in building a strong foundation for your social media presence. And so, what are you waiting for?

Start converting those astonishing customer experiences into Facebook reviews.


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